iLoc vs Loc in Pandas – An in Depth Tutorial

When working with data analysis and manipulation in Python, Pandas is an incredibly powerful library that comes to the rescue. It provides various functionalities, including the ability to access and modify specific parts of a DataFrame or Series. Two commonly used methods for this purpose are iLoc vs Loc.

In this blog post, we will dive deeper into the differences between iLoc and Loc in Pandas, and how to choose the appropriate method for your specific use case.

What is iLoc?

ILoc stands for “integer location” and is used to access or modify data based on its integer position within the DataFrame.

# Selecting the first row and first column using iloc

df.Iloc [0, 0]

Here, Iloc [0, 0] selects the value at the first row and first column of the DataFrame DF.

What is Loc?

Loc stands for “label location” and uses labels or names to access or modify data within the DataFrame.

# selecting the value in the ‘name’ column where age is greater than 30 using Loc

df.Loc [df [‘age’] > 30, ‘name’]

In this example, Loc [df [‘age’] > 30, ‘name’] selects the values in the ‘name’ column where the ‘age’ is greater than 30.

Key Differences

Now that we have an understanding of what iLoc vs Loc are, let’s explore the main differences between the two:

Selection Methods

ILoc uses integer-based selection, whereas Loc uses label-based selection.

With iloc, you can access or modify data based on the index or position, regardless of how the DataFrame is labeled. On the other hand, Loc allows you to access or modify data using labels or Boolean conditions.


ILoc is exclusive of the end value, meaning that the end index is not included in the selection. On the contrary, Loc is inclusive of the end value, and the end index is included in the selection.

# using iloc

df.ILoc [2:5] # Selects rows with index 2, 3, and 4 (excluding index 5)

# Using Loc

df.Loc [2:5] # Selects rows with index 2, 3, 4, and 5 (including index 5)

Supported Object Types

ILoc supports integer-based indexing on both rows and columns, while Loc supports indexing based on labels for both rows and columns.

Choosing the Right Method

When deciding whether to use iloc or Loc, consider the type of selection you need to make:

If you want to access or modify data based on integer positions or ranges, iloc is the way to go.

If you want to access or modify data based on labels, conditions, or Boolean arrays, Loc is the appropriate choice.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that Loc can be more intuitive and readable when working with labeled DataFrames, especially when the index doesn’t start from 0 nor has gaps.

Best Practices for Using iLoc and Loc

When working with pandas DataFrames, iloc and Loc are two incredibly useful methods for accessing data. These methods allow you to select specific rows and columns based on their position or label. However, it’s important to use them correctly to avoid any unexpected results or errors. Now we will cover some best practices for using iLoc vs Loc effectively.

Using ILoc

ILoc is primarily used for selecting data based on its integer position. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when using iloc:

Use square bracket notation: To select specific rows and columns using iloc, use the familiar square bracket notation. For example, df.Iloc [0:5, [0, 2, 4]] selects the first 5 rows and columns at positions 0, 2, and 4.

Follow the inclusive-exclusive indexing convention: Keep in mind that when using iloc, the indexing convention is inclusive for the start position and exclusive for the end position. This means that df.Iloc [0:5] will decide on the first 5 rows, including the row at position 0 but not the row at position 5.

Avoid mixing integer position and label indexing: While it is possible to use mixed indexing with iloc, it is generally recommended to stick to one method consistently within your code to avoid confusion.

Using Loc

Loc is primarily used for with labels indexing. This method allows you to select data based on row and column labels. Here are some best practices for using Loc effectively:

Use square bracket notation: Similar to iloc, it is best to use square bracket notation when using loc. For example, df.Loc [:, [‘column1’, ‘column2’]] selects all rows and the specified columns labeled ‘column1’ and ‘column2’.

Specify both row and column labels: It is important to specify both row and column labels when using loc. If you only specify row labels, you will end up selecting all columns for the specified rows. Similarly, if you only specify column labels, you will select all rows for the specified columns.

Avoid mixing label indexing with integer positions: Mixing label indexing with integer positions can lead to unexpected results. Stick to using labels to index data when using Loc to ensure consistent and predictable results.

Tips for Efficient Data Selection in Pandas

Data selection is a fundamental task when working with Pandas, a powerful library for data analysis in Python. Whether you need to filter rows, select specific columns, or perform complex data manipulation, efficiently selecting data can significantly improve your productivity and code performance.

Some tips to help you select data efficiently in Pandas:

1. Use Loc and Iloc for Label and Integer-Based Indexing

When selecting data in Pandas, the most commonly used methods are iLoc vs Loc. Loc is used for label-based indexing, while iloc is used for integer-based indexing. Choosing the appropriate method can make your code more intuitive and maintainable.

# Use Loc to select data by label

df.Loc [DF [‘category’] == ‘A’, ‘value’]

# Use iloc to select data by integer position

df.ILoc [0:5, 2:4]

By leveraging these methods, you can perform advanced data selection operations using labels and integer positions, respectively.

2. Utilize Boolean Indexing for Condition-Based Selection

Boolean indexing is a powerful technique for selecting data based on specific conditions. It allows you to express conditions using logical operators, such as & (and), | (or), and ~ (not), to filter data efficiently.

# Select rows where the age is greater than 30 and the category is ‘A’

DF [(DF [‘age’] > 30) & (DF [‘category’] == ‘A’)]

# Select rows where the value is not null

DF [DF [‘value’].notnull ()]

By using Boolean indexing, you can quickly filter and select data based on multiple conditions, resulting in cleaner and more concise code.

3. Leverage Numpy’s Efficient Boolean Operations

A panda is built on top of the NumPy library, which provides efficient array operations. When dealing with large datasets, you can take advantage of NumPy’s bitwise operators, such as np.bitwise_and (), np.bitwise_or (), and np.bitwise_not (), to perform Boolean operations more efficiently.

Import numpy as np

# Select rows where the age is greater than 30 and less than 50

DF [np.bitwise_and (DF [‘age’] > 30, DF [‘age’] < 50)]

By utilizing NumPy’s efficient bitwise operations, you can significantly speed up your data selection process for large datasets.

4. Use Data Query instead of Boolean Indexing

Pandas provides a convenient query () method that allows you to perform data selection using a string-based expression syntax. This method can be highly efficient, especially when dealing with large datasets.

# Select rows where the value is greater than 100 and the category is ‘A’

df.query (‘value > 100 and category == “A”‘)

Using the query () method not only improves code readability but also optimizes performance by leveraging underlying Pandas optimizations.

5. Avoid Chained Indexing

Chained indexing refers to the practice of selecting data using multiple indexing operations consecutively. While it may seem convenient, it can lead to unpredictable results and potential performance issues.

# Avoid chained indexing

Df [‘column1’][df[‘age’] > 30]

Instead, use a single indexing operation to select the desired data.

# Select data using a single indexing operation

df.Loc [DF [‘age’] > 30, ‘column1’]

By avoiding chained indexing, you ensure more reliable and efficient data selection.

6. Take Advantage of Indexing Methods

Pandas provide various indexing methods, such as at, iat, idxmax, and nlargest, which allow you to select data efficiently based on specific requirements. These methods optimize performance and can be used to extract specific values or perform advanced data manipulations.

# Select the maximum value in a specific column

DF [‘value’].max ()

# Select the row index with the largest value in a specific column

DF [‘value’].idxmax ()

By leveraging these specialized indexing methods, you can extract data more efficiently and perform complex operations with ease.


Q: What is the difference between iLoc and Loc in Pandas?

A: In Pandas, ILoc vs Loc are two different methods used for indexing and selecting data. The key difference lies in the way they handle the selection process. ILoc uses integer-based indexing, while Loc uses indexing.

Q: How does iLoc work in Pandas?

A: ILoc in Pandas is used for integer-based indexing. It allows you to choose columns and rows from a DataFrame or Series using their integer positions. The indexing starts from 0, similar to Python’s indexing. For example, df.ILoc [0] determine which the first row of a DataFrame, and df.ILoc [:, 1] will select the second column.

Q: What are the advantages of using iLoc in Pandas?

A: The advantages of using ILoc in Pandas include:

Integer-based indexing: ILoc provides a straightforward way to select data using integer positions, which can be useful when you want to retrieve data based on its position in the DataFrame.

Flexibility: ILoc allows you to select multiple rows or columns simultaneously by passing a list of integer positions.

Q: How does Loc work in Pandas?

A: Loc in Pandas is used for label based wise indexing. It allows you to select rows and columns from a DataFrame or Series using their labels or index values. The labels can be strings or numeric values assigned to the index or column names. For example, df.Loc [‘A’] will choose the row labeled ‘A’, and df.Loc [:, ‘B’] will select the column labeled ‘B’.

Q: What are the advantages of using Loc in Pandas?

A: The advantages of using Loc in Pandas include:

Label-based indexing: Loc provides a convenient way to select data using labels or index values, which can be more intuitive when working with labeled data.

Slicing: Loc allows you to select a range of rows or columns using label-based slicing, such as df.Loc [‘A’:’C’], which selects all rows from ‘A’ to ‘C’ inclusive.

Conditional selection: Loc enables you to select data based on certain conditions using Boolean indexing. For example, df.Loc [DF [‘column’] > 5] selects rows where the ‘column’ values are greater than 5.

In conclusion, the choice between iLoc vs Loc in Pandas depends on the specific task and the desired indexing approach.

ILoc is primarily used for integer-based indexing, allowing us to access rows and columns using integer positions. It provides a way to access data based on its relative position within the DataFrame, regardless of the index labels. This is particularly useful when working with numerical data or when the index labels are not meaningful.

On the other hand, Loc is used for using labels for indexing, enabling us to access rows and columns using their explicit index labels. It provides a way to retrieve data based on specific index values, which is advantageous when working with labeled data or when we want to extract data based on specific criteria.

Both iloc and Loc are powerful tools in Pandas that offer flexibility and convenience for data manipulation and analysis. By understanding their differences and appropriate use cases, we can effectively harness the capabilities of Pandas and perform various operations on our datasets with ease and precision. Ultimately, the choice between iloc and Loc depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand, allowing us to optimize our data processing workflows and achieve accurate and efficient results.

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