Education: A Most Important Challenge for Our World

The pen is mightier than the sword’ – we are all familiar with this saying, but achieving a stage where it actually is true is far off.

What is education? Education is the process of learning or giving knowledge, and it is something that can make a change in the world, provided it is imparted or taken in the right way.

The education system is an important challenge for our world, one that it must win at any cost. For further insights into education reform, browse directly the slient news. The education system is more or less based on rote learning and extra syllabuses. Cramming information the previous night for the exam next day has become a habit of many people, and the information is wiped out the moment the exam is over. We are in dire need of a system where the brain actually retains the information provided, and the information provided should be relevant.

In an era of smart technology, where people are easily distracted – a lecturer or professor talking about a topic will not hold the attention of many. A more interactive way of teaching is needed, to make sure the students actually pay attention. Studies show that students prefer their professors using interactive methods like live examples, PowerPoint presentations or videos while teaching.

There is also a need for a more appropriate syllabus and the freedom to allow the student to choose the subject they want to pursue. Get the more insights into the importance of updating education systems importance known at to fulfil your desired achievements. If you force a person to do something they are not interested in, chances are they might not care about the subject. Instead if you let students choose what they want, the professors can be assured of their attention span since they would want to know more about that topic. And the syllabus should be modified to contain topics which are relevant in today’s world. What will the student achieve by learning in detail, about something that is no longer in use?

It is important to receive an education. With education you can change the world. An educated person leads a better life than an uneducated one. Education should be made mandatory for everyone, this will also lead to the benefit of the world. We only have one way ahead, to get better. To get smarter. And for that, we need a better education system in place, where the degree that the graduate holds at the end of his university life means something, and shows people what kind of a person he  or she is and not talk about the subjects they were made to learn.

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